Welcome to you all. As I have had so many comments requesting to see and read a little more than the usual 6 sentences blog post, please find another lesson to enjoy
I hope you’ll find it informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be .
Welcome again to the stillness and the peace, away from all the earthly things that can trouble mind and heart. It is here and only here that a true escape can be made. It is the route and direction that all must take towards fulfilment, joy and your self-realization.
As I begin this lesson today, many Souls gather around you, also to listen, learn and observe. Spiritual education, or moreover your education of your Spirit or Soul, does not cease through or from birth or death as these are merely stepping-stones to aid you.
Through these cycles to erase the radiating coil of darkness and karma, many lifetimes have passed (that deep within you have all chosen for yourself). How much any individual Soul or fragment of light has grown and become lighter and brighter is also wholly dependent upon yourselves.
All are aided and guided, but as we have discussed and stated together before, ‘you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink’. Do not even feel slightly offended by this statement, for it is and never can be my intention for you or anyone to feel this way.
It is mentioned to reiterate that only by your own endeavours can you understand, and therefore grow in knowledge and wisdom. Remember, I am with you always and forever and therefore you are never alone. By acknowledging this you are half way there, because you will then believe in me and in yourself.
All your adversities and experiences, and also your joy and happiness will be seen as one, going hand in hand along your journey to discover and help you know who I am.
Within that sentence you could read and also sense the same expression in the question, ‘Who am I?’ These may appear different to the reader, the inquirer, the disciple of love and truth, but they are not.
The ‘who I am and who am I?’ questions are but a reflection of one truth, the inner truth, the secret, the desire and the goal for all Souls. You are me and I am you, the ‘I am that I am’ or God in me ‘IS’. These are but a few of the countless expressions in words that try to convey and represent me in a verbal sense.
By finding the truth within yourself you will find and know me. Then you will know yourself and be able to answer the question in the title of this lesson. One may ask, is this easy? It can be what you each make it. To begin, you must find reconciliation. You need to reconcile with yourself, not by trying to change (or thinking that you can even alter) the past, but by the way you view how the past was.
It is vital that negative traits or energies are released from your heart, so that you can move forward in love and in light. Let go and do not be restrained or limited to sorrow, grief, heartache or attachment, by any situation, event or by people who come into or out of your life.
Everything you experience must be seen as an element of growth, with an ebb and flow within your life, as both a human being and as a Soul. This encourages you and will enable you to retain an unbiased viewpoint of your living in the present, erasing the trickery of the mind which tries to enforce your notion of good or bad in your experiences.
For the present to become a form of magical living, you need to firstly accept and then open your heart to the richness of peace and serenity of love that resides and is all Creation.
Ultimately you are your own teacher, educator, principal and source of Divine inspiration and guidance. If this idea is discarded, it would make the answer unknowable, even if it is right in front of you.
Therefore, I am not hidden from your view. I am not in a secret cave in a distant nation; I am not residing upon a faraway shoreline that you cannot reach. I am not hiding behind a veil of Stars in the night sky. I am not above you in a make-believe heaven, sitting upon a golden throne and I am not below you holding the earth aloft upon my shoulders and arms.
What I am is who I am,
Who am I is what I am.
This is no riddle or joke to confuse,
I do not constrain you and never abuse.
Your life and journey and the quest of your Soul,
Have tasks to complete so fulfil then your goal.
Away from the past to live in the present,
Find your true heart and love, which shines evanescent.
Karma and sin cast aside like a stone,
To return to the crown that’s kept safe by my gown.
Angels and Archangels they watch every step,
So trust in your heart and not in the head.
Return to be ‘still’ and to rejoice in the love,
For the truth is within not below or above.
When you open your heart and Soul’s eyes together, you will see as one true being of light. Then, all is revealed, for no darkness or shadow can hide from the love that emanates and flows in all directions.
The illusion will be cast aside forever, so that you can nurture and also grow as the radiant spark that you truly are. Your magnificence, your beauty, your elegance and your Divinity can never again be questioned by anyone or anything.
This is what you are and have always been. It is only through the eras and passing of time that have clouded the truth, hiding it away from you and the world.
Now comes the moment to erase and finally discard the past. Like an animal or insect that sheds its skin, I urge you to reveal the new you, cleaner, brighter and more alive, stronger than ever before. There is nothing that you cannot achieve and there is nothing real that can withhold you from expressing the true love that is waiting to burst from your heart’s centre.
Ignite your inner spark to become the flame of hope and joy that will carry you into eternity. Let all life see the truth within and around you. When you reveal it, then others will see me in you too.
When light emanates from you all, know that bands of golden light form rings around the earth and upon all places. Connections like links of a chain; entwined and embracing each other in friendship and peace, cannot ever be broken.
These are eternal, forged from and into my heart’s fire, sealed with my grace and blessing to guide you to eternal bliss. My promise is your miracle to have and to behold and to cherish forever.
It cannot be erased, or slashed by sword or tongue,
No matter if black or white, or if you’re old or young.
So whether a pale yellow or perhaps a shade of red,
Truth is beyond such trickery, of a so called fear of death.
Know you’re Soul and goal, and that it will prevail,
From impermanent world see truth, right now and through a veil.
And if you are awake, or deep within a sleep,
Find the light that shines so bright, for day and night thus I do keep.
It is there that you will find, every answer that you’ll seek,
From me who is the ‘I’, and the ‘I am’ that you meet.
Have a good (or should I say ‘God’) day everyone…perhaps with thoughts and prayers for those who are less fortunate than ourselves. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
PS If you have time, check out and ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page for more uplifting links and info too… http://www.facebook.com/pages/AscensionForYou-Spiritual-Guidance-and%20Education/147338671945241
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God Bless and keep shining brightly! Dave

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