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“What’s your name?” – AFY

Writer's picture: David Knight (AFY)David Knight (AFY)

 Hi everyone … well, here we are again on another Sunday morning!

 Over the last week,  the nation’s headlines  focused upon a  Royal baby and her name,  and  it seemed  so many people were gripped regarding the naming of  the princess . We  may  believe a name somehow describes us or our character, or that it may even give a clue to who or what we are … but this can be no further than the truth, especially  when you try to pigeon hole God in any way, shape or form. Enjoy the post!


(AFY- When you meet someone for the first time, its highly likely the first question you’ll will ask is “What is your name? … or “Hello, my name is …” Well in truth, this is something on a Soul level we already know … because you, me, and everyone is ATMA … (love … energy … light). But what about God?  How can you name the nameless … what form can the formless God take when ‘God’ is everything, in all places at all times? ) 

“Many people envisage a ‘God’ who presides over them, or one who lives in a particular place, or they may even gaze upon a statue or alter which attempts to depict what I am … but if there is no separation then I am all things, and all things are ‘me’. Remember, I am a wilting flower and the next one to bloom. I am the tree without leaves, and the blossom that flies upon the wind. I am the desert and the seas, and I am the ‘above and below’. Please know me as:

The boat, which carries you across the ocean(s) of your emotions.

The land you walk upon holding you upright and true.

The wind, to blow dark clouds away from your body, mind and Soul.

The spiritual ‘vision’ to reveal the light … and the Sun to radiate warmth and love in your heart.

The hand that lifts you up from the ground, when you feel you cannot go on.

The life giving ‘water’, to quench your thirst for truth, knowledge and wisdom.

The spark deep within you, which gives you everlasting life.

The colours of the rainbow, shining down upon your darkened days of false fears and tears.

 We are ‘one’ forever, and you are eternal joy … so please live, breath, and understand this. Appreciate too, that love conquers  everything that you could ever possibly imagine to fear … so do not, because you are nearer than near to me. Through this reality, no one can ever be alone, not even in your darkest hour or even the happiest moment of your life. Amen.”


I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart  (Part III).

Paperback and eBook via  / Kindle

Paperback and eBook via / kindle

Other available reading formats via  Smashwords

This third installment, from I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart series, written with, from and through ‘Spirit’ … will uplift, inspire and guide your heart and soul towards self-realization, enabling you to reach your eternal goal in this lifetime. Each ‘lesson’ aims to help you, not only to find your own truth ‘within’, but also enrich your life with joy and love, to finally remember who you are, why your here, and where you are going to.


I will continue to post extracts from them our books, which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … please enjoy!

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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.

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