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  • Writer's pictureDavid Knight (AFY)

Trying to defy ‘time’, are we?


Hi everyone. Here we are again, another week has been and gone, oh my, doesn’t time fly! These days seemingly pass in the blink of an eye, and this, together with a few mins viewing of a movie I watched the other day (Alice through the looking glass) got me thinking. It seems it’s not just Alice who is trying to defy ‘time’ itself … aren’t we all guilty of trying to cram even more work-rest-play into our mins, hours, days, weeks, months and years?

Maybe someone will conjure up a 25hour day, or even show us all how to manipulate ‘time’ to our own advantage. Who knows, perhaps one day the human race will live on another planet, where one hour lasts a month … or even a year equals 1o years for example. Bizarre or frightening stuff – gets you thinking eh? Anyway, in today’s post the In-dweller provides us with a head’s up / some pointers on TIME itself.

Have a good week all!


Trying to defy ‘time, are we?

“As I mentioned many times before, people often speak of those months and years which roll by, seamlessly – one after the other. Then, before you know it, periods of your earthbound presence can simply become phases of experience which blur and fade, or they can stand out from the crowd, only because of who you are and what you achieve.

Consider an egg-timer, and now visualize turning it upside down. As the grains of salt (or sand /rice) slip by, they form an empty side of the vessel. Hence, the passing of time has taken place, and you yourself were the witness. But do you seem any different, and if not, why is this? Does this appear to be a waste of your life? Do you become emotional about it? Well, please appreciate, it is not about how little or how much of your time you have, but what you do with it that counts.

Please understand, your emotions are the key to unlocking time itself … because how you feel inside your heart can transcend age and distance and space and every dimension. As such, a loved one, whether they are still ‘living’ upon the Earth, or if they have crossed over to another plane of existence, can be as near and dear to you either way.

Appreciate too, those who you state are in ‘Spirit’, do not even contemplate time as being important or relevant within their own development and spiritual growth, because there is no need for it. Only in the connections upon the Earth-plane, where you all place dates and times as a means to schedule ‘life’, just like a diary, can this become an issue.

Therefore, it is time, which seems to divide and not guide you. Hence, when one feels gripped by pain, as if being crushed and broken … for some, the seconds, minutes, hours and the days will not seem to become the healer they can be. Only by detaching yourself from the luminous clock face, which attempts to wrap your heart, freezing you into the depths of the night, can the ‘unreal’ finally develop into reality.

In fact, when you truly live in the moment, the connection to me (and to all light), can be more apparent than a full moon on a cloudless night sky, or the brilliant sun which rises upon a beautiful summer morning. Indeed, as you see and sense them both, you appreciate and know they exist, so how can I be any different?

Love is ‘one’ and is everything, so do not let ‘time’ become a factor in any way, shape or form which comes between ‘us’.  Amen”


PS.  ‘You only have to decide … is what to do with the time you have been given’.  (Enjoy this classic scene from LOLR)


(If you have any thoughts or comments about this post … feel welcome to share them with us in the comments section or our facebook page  Thank you!)


May this book be your friend and guide upon your journey called life… 

I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart  ‘Collection’

In a process known as ‘inner-dictation’, God’s wisdom and love is transcribed through and from the heart, to help us rediscover who and what we are, and why we exist too. As such, these ‘lessons’, guidelines and principles will resonate inside your Soul, and remove the veil of death, fear and anxiety to provide a clearer vision and purpose. Please be assured, during one’s sojourn, you are able to find your own path towards self-realization, and become liberated into eternal bliss and peace.

A 492 page paperback book now available at

and the eBook in various formats at Smashwords and Kindle




I will continue to post extracts from our books, which I hope you will find informative and uplifting. They aim to encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so please enjoy!

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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.

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