Good morning to one and all.
There’s always been a the debate regarding the benefits and disadvantages of Social Media, and how the use of technology also impacts upon our lives. Indeed, some people strive to be constantly ‘connected’, and we see this when were out and about, as almost every person is glued to their mobile phones! Well, perhaps we could all make time to become ‘still’, and realize the one true source and connection, constantly linked to our hearts and Souls in every way.
Enjoy the short post, and may your new week be full of light and love.

“You are never alone, separate or divided from me. I am with you constantly, through your sadness and failings, and within all your triumphs and joy.
Appreciate I am but a thought away, and so my help, my love and my embrace is always there for you. I shall arrive in a smile, in your laughter or by a helping hand to lift you up. I am with you in the sunrise as the light shines upon your face, or within the breeze and wind which cools your skin. I will be the water that quenches your thirst too, therefore I am with you always, in all ways. All you have to do is to trust and ask me.
Like a candle shining within a darkened room, I am seen in all directions, so you do not need to ask where I am, as I am all of you. In another simple analogy, consider me as both a spoonful of sugar and a glass of water. If mixed together, you would not be able to see the sugar, so does this mean it does not exist? I am the ocean and the wave, which merges constantly, remember.
For some, I still remain a mystery, an enigma or even a fictitious God. Indeed, in countless different languages and spoken tongue there are hearts who cannot currently ‘see,’ for they are temporarily blinded by false fear and illusion.
One day though, all will see clearly with the eyes of body, mind, and Soul in unison, just as they should be, and I will be known in all walks of life and by every heart, because truth will prevail, sending ‘Light’ to pierce the darkness and rise up through doubt and despair forevermore. Amen.
PS Here’s a thought … why do we hanker after ‘4G’ so much … when in reality, we could strive to be closer ‘4 GOD’ instead!
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart (Part III).
Paperback and eBook via / Kindle
Paperback and eBook via / kindle
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This third installment, from I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart series, written with, from and through ‘Spirit’ … will uplift, inspire and guide your heart and soul towards self-realization, enabling you to reach your eternal goal in this lifetime. Each ‘lesson’ aims to help you, not only to find your own truth ‘within’, but also enrich your life with joy and love, to finally remember who you are, why your here, and where you are going to.
I will continue to post extracts from them our books, which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.