Good morning to all.
Like many, it becomes easy to feel we’re drifting along, similar to a vessel, lost within a vast ocean. The hours turn into days, the days into weeks, weeks into months … and before we know it, years of our life can fade like a distant memory.
And while our hopes and dreams fluctuate in the process, it becomes easier to think that daily living has to be happy or sad. But the truth is, the mind often tries to imagine the worst, and bases the future upon the the past. So herein lies the clue to todays ‘message’ … why should we live in the shadow of fear or hate, and anger or doubt … when we all have the power of love?
Enjoy the extract below, and find the strength to live in truth, always.

“Please understand, it is love which enable’s you to carry each other through those so-called ‘good and bad’ times, and will help you to overcome the greatest fear of all … death. Once you hold this knowledge and wisdom deep in your heart, you’ll realize the Sun and ‘Son’, have not disappeared, but re-emerge from behind the clouds of confusion. Sunlight, positive energy, hope and truth, will all shine down upon you, to aid your continued spiritual growth, and strengthen both heart amd mind too .
Therefore, do not imagine you are just striving towards some ‘destination’ in life, because one’s destiny and journey has no ‘ending’. It is not the same as coming back from a holiday, returning to the house built beside the roadside. Your current rebirth to the physical ‘plane’ is for a purpose and a reason, but it is not the ‘be all’ and ‘end all’.
In fact, when the time is right, every Soul will depart their temporary ‘home’ upon the Earth, and take flight … and soar into bliss and peace, inside a higher realm and frequency of energy and power. Remember, beyond the ‘beyond’ isn’t a fantasy; it is a reality, for my heart and home is where you truly belong. It’s structure of love and light is eternal, and you are already within it, but you need to appreciate, feel, and believe this to be true. Amen”.
PS. The only boundary, is the one we make for ourselves.
(Images courtesy of koratmember + nuchylee- Freedigitalphotos)
May this book be your friend and guide upon your journey called life…
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart ‘Collection’
In a process known as ‘inner-dictation’, God’s wisdom and love is transcribed through and from the heart, to help us rediscover who and what we are, and why we exist too. As such, these ‘lessons’, guidelines and principles will resonate inside your Soul, and remove the veil of death, fear and anxiety to provide a clearer vision and purpose. Please be assured, during one’s sojourn, you are able to find your own path towards self-realization, and become liberated into eternal bliss and peace.
A 492 page paperback book at
and the eBook in various formats at Smashwords and Kindle
I will continue to post extracts from them our books, which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.