Yeehah! Apparently its going to the hottest day of the year so far, so fingers crossed you are able t0 enjoy the beautiful sunshine! Lets hope that on this wonderful day, you’ll dust off the BBQ and have a drink with family or friends … perhaps take in a lovely walk, or just relax in a garden chair to really ‘drink’ in the glory of the peace and tranquity around you. Lets hope you are able to bask and experience the warmth of the Sun, for a few minutes at least!
Todays short excerpt highlights how amazing the world about us truly is … and if we only paused for a moment, we’d surely be gratful for all of God’s ‘creation’. Amen to that!
Have a superb week everyone … and remember to let your heart SHINE!

“I understand it becomes easy for you to take life for granted, especially when rushing through the day. But if it is possible to place the mind and body from fast forward onto pause, you’ll realize just how much you’re missing. So if you can become still on this beautiful day, and you’ll hear the true ‘buzz’ of life … the beautiful birdsong, the hum of bees and wasps and other insects too … as all of Creation now blooms. Take notice of the radiant flowers in the borders, blossom in the hedges, birds on the wing, a spider in its web, the ladybird on a leaf, and the lice making their merry way over the soil and wood, for these are all but a glimpse … of the oneness of life.
If you are fortunate, you may observe the swifts and swallows as they sweep and glide, which brings further elegance to the sky above. These sunny days (and evenings), bring so much gratitude from numerous hearts, because it uplifts your thoughts and brings well-being too. Indeed, the well of thy heart can become full to the brim, so enjoy the happiness you experience, and try (if you can), to send it back into the ether.
Try to remember ‘us’ as one though, for the real ‘peace’ you need, seek and truly desire is not in faraway forests or mountains, but inside the core of your heart. Through your own self-realization comes understanding, that you and I (the In-Dweller) both reside in this deep recess together … in harmony, friendship, bliss, love and light. Then, with contemplation upon the serenity and joy within the world, you will feel recharged and also content. Appreciate too, the Sun which shines down upon you to warm your face … is the grace I give you all, now and forever more. Amen”
(Images courtesy of smarttiw- Freedigitalphotos)
PS Enjoy this classic by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong Summertime
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May this book be your friend and guide upon your journey called life…
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart ‘Collection’
In a process known as ‘inner-dictation’, God’s wisdom and love is transcribed through and from the heart, to help us rediscover who and what we are, and why we exist too. As such, these ‘lessons’, guidelines and principles will resonate inside your Soul, and remove the veil of death, fear and anxiety to provide a clearer vision and purpose. Please be assured, during one’s sojourn, you are able to find your own path towards self-realization, and become liberated into eternal bliss and peace.
A 492 page paperback book now available at
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I will continue to post extracts from our books, which I hope you will find informative and uplifting. They aim to encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.