Good morning one and all.
Now then, with today’s headline of ‘STOP … LOOK, and LISTEN’ you might be thinking crikey … its the green cross man again! (Only us old un’s will remember those famous road safety ads from the 70’s with Dave Prowse -aka DARTH VADER!)
This got me thinking, have we forgotten to apply this same analogy to our everyday lives, and STOP this constant rush of work and family life? It’s a wonder we have any time to think, let alone take time-out for ourselves, or more importantly our hearts. As human beings,we seem to be on auto-pilot nearly every waking minute, so why not turn within, and LOOK towards the development of our Soul? Surely, if we just LISTEN, we’ll hear that gentle inner voice … who will guide us across the many roads we face during our journey called life.
How cool is that, to know we are loved and cared for through our choices and decisions, our so-called mistakes and victories, and our pain and joy. Thank you God for always watching over us, forgiving us, and nurturing us each and every day! Amen to that people!
Enjoy the post and have a safe week ahead!
“You may ask, “Why do I sometimes suffer so much? Why do these events happen to me, and not to him, her, or them over there? What have I done to deserve this?” Moreover, during true desperation comes the cry, “Where is God?” In fact, these moments are precisely when words are no longer required, for even a single tear shows me the truth of your emotional, physical or mental pain. So, where do the answers lie?
This query and outcome (the result), stem from reaction to action and vice versa. You see, balance includes both the positive and negative, and through the ‘experience’, which is cause and effect. I do not point a finger, chastise, or hate anyone above or below another, or interfere with what you, yourself, and your karma bring either.
Try to understand, I am not blind, deaf or distant to any heart, for I am you and you are I. You are never alone, and only fear makes you seem further away from me, which is untrue. In every situation, you can sense me through truth, so ignore the deception from the worst fear of all … which is death. Realize too, faith in yourself also shows true faith in me.
In addition, attempt to treat all experiences the same, for they all lead to one’s growth, and because knowledge and self-realization are the real keys to your spiritual pathway and goal. Try to be content too, and desire only to reside with me forever.
Please remember … I am here, there and everywhere. I am always with you … loving you, and aware of every situation in which you find yourself. Amen”.
(Image courtesy of foto76- Freedigitalphotos)
PS. Whatever you are going through … GOD does not STOP loving you, or fail to LOOK after you, and ‘he’ never forgets to listen to your heart!
(We’d love to hear your thoughts on this post … which you can add to the comments section or our facebook page Thank you!)
May this book be your friend and guide upon your journey called life…
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart ‘Collection’
In a process known as ‘inner-dictation’, God’s wisdom and love is transcribed through and from the heart, to help us rediscover who and what we are, and why we exist too. As such, these ‘lessons’, guidelines and principles will resonate inside your Soul, and remove the veil of death, fear and anxiety to provide a clearer vision and purpose. Please be assured, during one’s sojourn, you are able to find your own path towards self-realization, and become liberated into eternal bliss and peace.
A 492 page paperback book now available at
and the eBook in various formats at Smashwords and Kindle
I will continue to post extracts from our books, which I hope you will find informative and uplifting. They aim to encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.