Welcome once more to Six Sentence Sunday … where you’ll find lots of great authors who write on a variety of subjects. (Thanks as always to those who regularly visit and comment on our blogs and continually offer their support/advice) Write On!
Just to let you know that I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart, part 2 has almost been completed. Both parts 1 and 2 have been collated through ‘inner dictation’ over the last few years. In future, I will be posting extracts from between the two which I hope you’ll find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be . So here is todays 6 “Your Goal”.
First and foremost, understand that I am ‘pure’ love and light and so freewill was granted not by any governing power other than that of whom and what you (and me) already are.
For this reason, all your reaction to action and your cause to the effect can be nothing more than this, and that is why your Soul can shine as brightly as a thousand or even a billion suns … or become like a dim light, covered by a blanket of hate and doubt.
To remove such impediments simply tug or pull them away as quickly as you can, just as if you were removing a thorn from your foot or finger.
Relief from anguish and pain will be instantaneous, as if morphine had been administered to you.
Then, in turn, your life will become free of false desires that bind and hold you within the pretence of embodiment.
Your self-realization and your goal ahead will be lit, a shining glory that you can wear like a crown, both majestic and brilliant … reflecting within and without, all the love you truly behold.
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday. May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
PS If you have time, check out and ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page for more uplifting links and info too… http://www.facebook.com/pages/AscensionForYou-Spiritual-Guidance-and%20Education/147338671945241
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