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Nov 17th 2013 “Become unified and prosper …” I AM I:The In-Dweller of Your Heart

Writer's picture: David Knight (AFY)David Knight (AFY)

This blog hopes to encourage and inspire the reader, the aspirant and the devotee  of truth, and ultimately help each and every soul to understand and answer three questions, ‘Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?’ As each post that you read is written by ‘inner-dictation’, these snippets an also form can invisible link between all our hearts, while resonating deep within, to help guide you towards your own goal of self-realization, and into bliss and eternal peace.


Hi all, its only a couple of weeks now until the e-book version of the I am I: The In-Dweller of  Your Heart (part 3) becomes available (on the 1st December 2013), on all formatts.


Paperback available now at

So here’s another brief snippet, which i hope will shine from, through and to your heart …  

Do not believe self-worth is judged by your income or status, for those who lie in poverty and destitution may shine hearts of gold, perhaps as old souls, who, if they’re seen, makes ones own needs and worries pale in comparison. Realize too, only by living in truth, with kindness, forgiveness, righteousness, love, non-attachment, and each day emanating positive thoughts, can your aims and aspirations can be fulfilled.

One is only ever restricted by fear, which is either self-induced or reflected upon you by another, be it by someone close, or even those totally disconnected, like those who are (seemingly) in authority, over state and country.

Comprehend that when hearts and hands are combined, then villages, towns, cities, and nations can become unified and prosper. By cultivating those seeds of love through right action, hearts and minds can grow strong, withstanding any winters of discontent to rise into the sun (and Son). The individual and the masses are not then suffocated by the weeds of despair, anxiety, and fear, which attempt to grow and strangle the purity of truth that flows from above and below.

Just like your garden weeds, they are tenacious; continually appearing year after year, season after season. This is why you can only overcome them by constantly being vigilant, preventing the smallest hint of ego and self-centered preservation from taking hold, stopping you from fulfilling your true potential and goal of self-realization.Amen.



I will continue to post extracts from them which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 (and in 2013 -part 3), have all been collated with and through ‘inner dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so enjoy!


Copyright © 2013 by DPK Publishing. All rights reserved.

May you keep shining each and every day.  God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.

PS If you have time, please check out / ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page, …

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Reprinted from David Knight’s AscensionForYou’s Blog.

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(DPK Publishing-AscensionForYou)

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