This blog hopes to encourage and inspire the reader, the aspirant and the devotee of truth, and ultimately help each and every soul to understand and answer three questions, ‘Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?’ As each post that you read is written by ‘inner-dictation’, these snippets an also form can invisible link between all our hearts, while resonating deep within, to help guide you towards your own goal of self-realization, and into bliss and eternal peace.

Nov 10th 2013 “Realize those falling poppies and tears …” AscensionForYou

Will you remember this ‘Remembrance Sunday’? If so, you might even wear a poppy, but some may question why? Then, when this time is over, will you display your heart with as much thanks and pride, and will you ever recall the tears of your past deeds and endeavours, or will they fade … and become distant memories too?
Please undertsand you are everything, and everything is you. And as such, you may now see fields of poppies before your mind’s eye, so ltherefore let each one remind you of the connection to each other, and also me. Indeed, each soul, yes every single one, is not lost or forgotten but remains forever in my loving embrace … so whatever Nationality, whatever religion and whether you are white, black, yellow or red … know that it does not matter to me.
Please believe then, that when every Soul unites behind the banner of Love, you will all remember and rise above the false veil of death, to be reborn into eternal bliss. Realize those falling poppies and tears, will all become the symbols of everlasting peace and forgiveness, of hope and the true glory of Light … which is the Divinity of you all. Amen.
On a ‘lighter’ note … I just wanted to share the good news that our next installment of the I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart series is available on the 1st December 2013! It will be available as e-book on all formatts and as a paperback at Amazon.

Paperback available now at
Here’s another brief snippet, taken from ‘The Window’ …
You are all entwined and connected like threads woven together to form the truth and, without the structure of love, you would cease to exist as you do, as soul, body, and mind. Like a jumper without a hole for your head, a necklace with a missing link, and a plane without a wing, nothing would function and be a worthwhile expression of Creation. However, because you are Divine, no matter what color, shape, size, or even if you feel incomplete or different, in truth you are always, and forever will be, ‘whole’.
Therefore, I ask whether you can believe this. If you do, you can also believe in yourself, and so in me. With belief and trust, nothing can prevent or deny the truth, rising up within the well of your heart. Your thirst for sustenance and truth will always be quenched, and never denied, because inside of you is every answer you could ever seek or wish for.
Know that you are a living flame, a spark of Divinity which shines as brightly as you could ever desire to be. That is the true reflection and reality, the ‘I AM I’, and as such each day can be a new beginning, so forget and do not waste time on the past. Every moment can then be utilized as an opportunity to shine who and what you are, and can also yet become. Amen.

I will continue to post extracts from them which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 (and in 2013 -part 3), have all been collated with and through ‘inner dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so enjoy!

Copyright © 2013 by DPK Publishing. All rights reserved.
May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
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