“The New Year has arrived in hearts and homes across the Earth-plane, so will you rejoice, and symbolically turn over a new leaf and life? Can this be a fresh chapter and a new beginning, for each and every one of you?”

Please remember, the slightest positive alteration in your character, personality and conduct can change so much around you, and even though trepidation and anxiety may still remain, everyone has the ability within themselves to radiate and share in the love that is you all. Therefore, by linking hands with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues or strangers, or even those who need your forgiveness, the New Year can be celebrated with sincere hope and joy for all.
Likewise, when those who come to the end of their earth-bound existence (having completed and played their part), they may stand together arm in arm to display unity and peace like a victory bestowed. This will lead to spontaneous applause and congratulations from Soul to Soul, expanding love and light beyond any theatre of dreams.
As a result, you must accept the way you live, work and play as you are right now, or become stronger, brighter, more loving and forgiving. Do what you will and will what you do, because any restrictions and boundaries are self-imposed and set.
Therefore, believe you are strong; stronger than you can ever possibly imagine. No four walls, false mind, and any delusion or confusion can contain your truth, essence and Soul. You are not trapped, caged or controlled, so do not think of such in a material sense as your ‘self’ is already free to soar as high and far as your will allows. If you are ever in doubt, or think you are alone, turn ‘within’. Be ‘still’ and feel the love, and you will know and believe me, for inside you ‘I am I’. Understand too, the acceptance of yourself, (and me), will light the way … beyond your New Year, and forever and a day. Truly we are all ‘one’ and eternal … and this is a cause for real celebration. Amen.


I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart (Part III).
Paperback and eBook via Amazon.com / Kindle
Paperback and eBook via Amazon.co.uk / kindle
Other available reading formats via Smashwords
This third installment, from I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart series, written with, from and through ‘Spirit’ … will uplift, inspire and guide your heart and soul towards self-realization, enabling you to reach your eternal goal in this lifetime. Each ‘lesson’ aims to help you, not only to find your own truth ‘within’, but also enrich your life with joy and love, to finally remember who you are, why your here, and where you are going to.

I will continue to post extracts from them our books, which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.