Good morning to one and all!
That’s another week gone by … amazing how time flies isn’t it. Well that got me thinking … are we all just plodding along, or do we have the truth of Self- Realization in front of us.
In todays short extract (from a lesson entitled ‘Focus’), we are reminded to face our trials and tribulations head on, and to focus upon love above all things in order to reach our true goal. Have a great Sunday everyone.

“As the days, weeks, months, and years go by, seemingly faster as you age, do you continue as you are (some may say aimlessly), or do you actively pursue the goal in sight? Will you let your future drift by and fade like a New Year’s resolution, or can you recognize the power of change within you? Indeed, everyone has a choice; you all have a choice … you only need to decide what to do with the time and the life you have chosen and been given. Of course, the clock can never be turned back, but each moment in truth shines eternal, and can bring you closer to the person and Soul inside which you long to be.
Within every heart, one’s goodwill, generosity, kindness, and peace can light up and blaze a glorious pathway ahead. Not only should this help you to iron out the peaks and the troughs, and any trials and tribulations of the journey, but those who are also working or residing on different levels of energy, vibration, and dimensions too. How cool is that?
As stated many times before, we are all inevitably linked upon a golden chain which unites and never divides. It is not made up of so-called precious metals, but formed by light, from, through, and to my heart. As we are one, you are hallmarked with purity, and only the cast of illusion, like a shell, encases you.
I ask you then, please focus upon the love that is you, and this in turn brings your attention and awareness of me. In fact, you’ll recognize the reflection, but within a mirror which cannot distort or blur the true image of Creation. Remember, I am with you always and forever, so just be true; and be you. Amen.”
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart (Part III).
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This third installment, from I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart series, written with, from and through ‘Spirit’ … will uplift, inspire and guide your heart and soul towards self-realization, enabling you to reach your eternal goal in this lifetime. Each ‘lesson’ aims to help you, not only to find your own truth ‘within’, but also enrich your life with joy and love, to finally remember who you are, why your here, and where you are going to.
I will continue to post extracts from them our books, which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.