Hi to one and all.
Today’s post revolves around the choices we all make. This came to may attention as someone recently asked for my help, to be pointed and guided in the ‘right direction’ with regard to certian spiritual matters, and this raises many points in how we live our lives. While it can be quite easy to simply take each day as opportunities to grab or gain all you can for ourselve whether in thought and word and deed, there is the unique human trait inherent within us all to reach out and support or help those in need in many ways, shapes and forms.
Ultimately, whether we choose to enact upon such things is entirely up to ourselves. How will you conduct yourself today? When the opportunity arises, lets abandon any selfish traits which may raise their ugly head … and try to become more selfless.
May you find the strength in this coming week to shine and help where you can. Peace to all.

“In reality, when you assist and help another Soul, heart, being, animal or insect … spirals of energy (formed through love and light), swirl from inside and above you like a DNA helix, and this touches and transcends within the vibration and resonance of Creation. These can travel through all dimensions including time and space, far beyond your phenomenal world and earth-plane too. It is fact not fiction, that when aid comes from a true heart; nothing can erase or break it into two, for it is all pervading.
This support you give to each other, and to all elements of ‘life’ (when conducted willingly and wantonly), also demonstrates the connection of love we have as ‘one’. In fact, Our togetherness both highlights and appreciates that true love flies upon your hopes, dreams, and wishes, and these stand out like beacons burning brightly in a night sky … brilliant Suns amongst the stars … vibrant rainbows across the horizon, or those tears which roll down a face. All leave their traces and tracks of sincerity, because they shine purposefully, being selfless in design.
Remember though, the opposite brings ill thoughts of another, or of those which long for self-gratification and false desire (being of a selfish intent), and they show up in other ways, like a bruise on the skin, or even longer upon the ego causing greater pain and suffering. Even more serious, are those resembling tattoos or scars, which leave a more permanent marker, etched not on the body, but deep within. Therefore, please understand, only by balancing and erasing karma both with and through love and truth, can these begin to fade, which then allows the Soul to bloom with the fragrance of purity and an essence of Divinity. Amen”.
PS. Love seeks no rewards … Love is its own. (Baba)
(We’d love to hear your thoughts on this post … which you can add to the comments section or our facebook page Thank you!)
May this book be your friend and guide upon your journey called life…
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart ‘Collection’
In a process known as ‘inner-dictation’, God’s wisdom and love is transcribed through and from the heart, to help us rediscover who and what we are, and why we exist too. As such, these ‘lessons’, guidelines and principles will resonate inside your Soul, and remove the veil of death, fear and anxiety to provide a clearer vision and purpose. Please be assured, during one’s sojourn, you are able to find your own path towards self-realization, and become liberated into eternal bliss and peace.
A 492 page paperback book now available at
and the eBook in various formats at Smashwords and Kindle

I will continue to post extracts from our books, which I hope you will find informative and uplifting. They aim to encourage you to become the best person, human being and Soul you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 and 3 have all been collated with and through ‘inner-dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so please enjoy!
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May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.