This blog hopes to encourage and inspire the reader, the aspirant and the devotee of truth, and ultimately help each and every soul to understand and answer three questions, ‘Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?’ As each post that you read is written by ‘inner-dictation’, these snippets can also form an invisible link between all our hearts, while resonating deep within you, to help guide you towards your own goal of self-realization, and into bliss and eternal peace.
An extract from a Lesson entitled ‘Heaven and Earth’
Every single hope or dream can manifest, but you must first surrender and stop believing it is only ‘you’, which can, or does, achieve a desired outcome. Denial of the true power and love within you, really means that you are denying yourself and me.
You need to lose the attachment of your own false limitations. This way, you will become stronger and more positive, whilst displaying true attributes and worthiness to be called a Human being.
Understand too, no matter the country in which you live, all are one. No matter what your faith or religion, you must realize the foundation and basis of all should be love. So, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sheik or of any nationality, color, creed or faith, do not feel or think that you are above or below, or more or less worthy than another. The seas of the world all have different names, but in truth, they are but one ocean.
Understand this … the Earth and Mother Nature are beautiful beyond comprehension, and as such, they are expressed in truth and love; and appear for your joy to behold. Heaven is but a microcosm and reflection within your own inner search. Surely then, to deny its existence means that you deny not only me, but also your own true self and one cannot exist without the other.
I will help you always to find your true self and thus you will find me. I am Light and you are Light. I am Love hence you are Love. I am all things and so all things are you. Open your heart once more to source the power of your own Creation. Heaven and Earth go hand in hand; hence, I am with you, always and forever. Amen.
The Ascension Connection
If you have enjoyed the Spiritual guidance and education, we would be grateful if you could leave a comment and / or share the post to your social media. It would be most appreciated! God Bless to all, Dave / AscensionForYou
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I will continue to post extracts from them which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 (and in 2013 -part 3), have all been collated with and through ‘inner dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so enjoy!
Copyright © 2013 by DPK Publishing. All rights reserved.
May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
PS If you have time, please check out / ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page, …
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Reprinted from David Knight’s AscensionForYou’s Blog. For more information about AscensionForYou please visit
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Here are the links again to part one of the series
I am I : The In-Dweller of Your Heart.
Paperback and eBook via / Kindle
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Other available reading formats via Smashwords
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart – Video Trailer