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  • Writer's pictureDavid Knight (AFY)

You Must Grasp your Future with Both Hands...

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

When the individual embarks upon their own road to discovery, they can become confused, bewildered, and even walk the ‘path of tears’ of so many souls, from the past, present, and the future too.

So, let us be clear that throughout your life, no matter your age, sex, where you live or work or even how much money you do or do not have, bears no relevance whatsoever in your search for the truth of you.

By understanding that the past (which is your memories made up from your experiences) should have no hold upon your present ... then you can begin each day with optimism and trust and an unwavering belief that whatever it brings is for your greater good.

I urge you to grasp your future with both hands, for no one knows how long they will live. Each second, minute, hour and day provides the opportunity to create a legacy you can be proud of. Understand the love inside you is your eternal guide and teacher. Just follow your heart ... believe in it and use this gift of life to the best of your ability! (David— AFY)

Today's top tip: People always search for answers and clues to life in obscure and faraway places, but why look through the darkness ... when everything you wish to know is already inside you!

From my speaking Heart...

Follow your Soul ... it Knows the Way.

"I welcome all life throughout creation to hear, read, see and feel my love for every one of you. However, it is essential to realize there are certain areas of the world where people still rise from their beds in emotional or mental darkness. Know the day is what you each make it, so you need to recognize those various aspects of your waking hours, which is controlled and manipulated by thoughts emanating from the mind, and in turn, how they affect both decisions and outcomes of the present and future.

So, when night-time or gloom descends, please bring light into your thinking. Let the anxiety, fear, and anguish of what has not come to pass, fade from your brow, this will guide you away from desire, confusion, and the illusion both inside and out. Remember, one’s mind should not dictate to the heart, but nonetheless, it will try to impose its will through your senses. Therefore, the key is balance, and by making it less reactive to your feelings, you can become more aware of your soul of what is important in your life.

Throughout most of your day, you are concerned about something ... and if you were not, you would be worried that you were not worried! Does this seem familiar, as you now contemplate these words? Well, please understand your journey ahead is as complex or simple as one makes it, and any obstacles, hurdles, trials, and tribulations are there for numerous reasons, not only to help you pause and reflect but for one’s karma and equilibrium, which assists your growth and experience both inside and out.

Therefore, I wait and I wait, and I wait ... and because I am your shoreline and your rescue, you do not need to send an SOS for I am already here, inside your heart. Appreciate the recognition of such is all the help that you need ... to lead you to your timeless future. Amen."



PS. Remember, you will recognise the truth of your own reality when it touches the very core of the heart, and when you become 'realized' your future will unfold before you.

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