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  • Writer's pictureDavid Knight (AFY)

SSS – Six Sentence Sunday 9-18-2011 The Joy of Silence

In silence i recognise you as my friend.

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday! You can find lots of great authors and their own ‘six’s’ at … (If you enjoy my ‘6 ‘ and have the time, I would really appreciate your feedback / thoughts please. Cheers my friends WRITE ON!).

This short snippet is  from a Lesson called  ‘Expression ‘ from Book 3, which should be available  around Dec 2011  called  I am I: The In-dweller of your Heart .

It was written through inner dictation over a period of about 1 and  1/2 years.

I hope you can feel or sense God’s love from, through and to you in some way. Have a great weekend  everyone!  May God  Bless you all, Dave –AscensionForYou– Knight.

It is in silence you will find the real truth, for it is there that you become the spiritual ‘seeker’ …knowing that within your experience, comes the real expression of our love as ‘one’.

By feeling and knowing what this connection is, your faith can become stronger each day and this in turn will enable you to express yourself in your true light.

Understand that for too long now, human being’s ‘illumination’ lies dimmed by the obscurity of illusion that befalls the impermanent world.

Each and every one of you can take a step, (no matter how small) away from the darkness and emerge from the shadow of doubt….so as one moves forward, you will find that it will become easier to understand, grow and know more of what and why you are as you are.

Realise that only the individual can make their own commitment to embark upon the journey to eternal bliss and peace.

Think of it as a voyage, a continued quest and mission that you cannot leave in the hands of another ….for always it is your own burden and yet,…. it is also your joy, your incomprehensible joy.

Please feel free to reprint this  on your web site, Facebook page, blog or newsletter and forward this as email to your friends, family and colleagues…. but i would be grateful if you kindly include the following two sentences too. (Thankyou):

Reprinted from David Knight’s AscensionForYou’s Blog. For more information about AscensionForYou please visit


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