Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas and holiday too. So here we are once more, yet another year and opportunity to make our dreams come true! So welcome to all those who are new to Six Sentence Sunday http://www.sixsunday.com/ ….it’s where you can find lots of great authors and their own ‘six’s’ on a variety of subjects ) Many thanks to all those who comment regularly, offering their continued support and advice. Write On!
As many know I have been collating and writing parts one and two of I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart through inner dictation over the last few years. In future I will be posting extracts from between the two which I hope you’ll enjoy. Part One of I am I has just been released as a paperback via
Createspace https://www.createspace.com/3695882–
(Other e-book formats available via Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/108851
Okay, moving on ..this weeks snippet comes from a lesson, called ‘Acceptance’
The slightest positive alteration in your character, personality and conduct can change so much in and around you all and though trepidation and anxiety may remain, inherent in you all is the ability to radiate and share in the love that is everything.
By linking hands with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, and even strangers, or those who need your forgiveness, the New Year can be celebrated with sincere hope and joy for all.
So, accept the way you live, work and play as you are right now, or become stronger, brighter, more loving, and forgiving… yes indeed do what you will and will what you do for any restrictions are self-imposed and any boundary the individual has set themselves.
You are strong; stronger than you can possibly imagine because no four walls, false mind, delusion, or confusion can contain your truth, your essence, your Soul.
You are not trapped, caged or controlled but do not think of this in a material sense because your ‘self’ is already ‘free’ to soar as high and as far as your ‘will’ allows.
If you are ever in doubt or if you ever feel that maybe you’re alone, turn ‘within’ and be ‘still’ to find, feel, know, sense and believe in me for there ‘I am’ …and then you will have an acceptance of me and your self which will light the way beyond your New Year and forever and a day, for truly we are ‘one’ and eternal, Amen.
Have a great weekend everyone! God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.Want to see more articles like this? Subscribe to this blog and get each new post delivered to your email or feed reader. Please feel free to reprint this on your web site, blog or newsletter and forward this as an email to your friends, family and colleagues…. but I would be really grateful if you kindly include the following two sentences too. (Thankyou): Reprinted from David Knight’s AscensionForYou’s Blog. For more information about AscensionForYou please visit http://AscensionForYou.co.uk/blog
PS Don’t forget the ongoing Virtual blog tour with Assisting Authors Online, including competion to win a Kindle and other prizes at my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/AscensionForYou-Spiritual-Guidance-and%20Education/147338671945241
You can also check out my recent Interview which was at http://bkwalkerbooksetc.blogspot.com/